Archive for the ‘Abilities’ Category

Borean Adventures

Murgav What you see to the left is Gav during my current favorite quest chain. It started when I was sent from Fizzcrank Airstrip to find King Mrgl-mrgl. King Mrgl-mrgl, it turns out is a D.E.H.T.A agent in a  murloc disguise. From saving tadpoles to slaying Glrggl (a killer orca), it was fun. I also had to kill Claximus, a giant lobster-type thing. To get to him, I donned the costume seen here and snuck past the murlocs in the cave leading to him. It was a great quest line.

In other news, I crossed a Tundra Crawler while out and about in Borean Tundra. It was neat looking, but I didn’t bother to engage it because I was too busy at the time. You can see a pic of it below.

Tundra Crawler

I also hit level 76 today. It was better then my last level up in that I got some spells I could actually use, like a new Retribution Aura. I did develop a dislike for Blizzard’s sense of humor. Sorry Blizz, but I’m not paying you $15 a month to dig though animal refuse. It’s something like the fourth quest of it’s type! C’mon, Blizzard… this isn’t fun.

Gav at 75

Gav at 75 As I subtly hinted at in my last post, Gav is now level 75. He dinged while while giving new orders for the Argent Crusade to leave, and mopping up the remaining mobs.

Needless to say, it was an uneventful level-up. I didn’t have much I wanted to spend the talent point on, and there were almost no useful new spells (as a two-handed specialist, I don’t carry shields and therefore can’t use the Shield of Righteousness). Oh well.

Oh, and about the picture; I stopped wearing my tabard because it made me look a little dumb, I thought, and it covered up my armor too much. My current chestplate, to me, says, “I need these straps to hold this armor together, because I’m just that awesome!” lol Also, I’m still wearing my epic goggles; I just have them turned off in the menu so I don’t have to look at them.

Onward and upward, Gavelier.

Speaking of Golden Wings…

Well, I may not have my flying mount yet, but Gav’s high on Gilded WingsWoWScrnShot_012109_075553 anyway. I remembered to pick up my Avenging Wrath Spell, and besides the combat bonuses, I get these sweet golden wings. I’ve seen other folks with ’em, but I had no idea where they came from until now.

I’m also surprised how much I like my new Hand of Reckoning spell. It’s a 30 yard taunt spell that does 30 holy damage and FINALLY gives us Pallys a pulling ability. With the new tag mechanics and this, I can AOE grind like never before. I simply stand in a fairly populace area (like say, Shield Hill), hit random wandering mobs with my Hand of Reckoning, and slay them with ease. I’m a happy little Paladin now.

In other news, I formed a new Death Knight on Ysera since Borean Tundra wasn’t open to new DK without the prerequisite level 55 toon on the server (I forgot that applied to new servers with no-transfer rules). Bralo is my Orc DK, made because I wanted to experience higher-level Horde content without having to drag Lug (my Tauren hunter) or Claz (my Orc warrior) another 40-50 levels to see it (Lug is level 14 and Claz hasn’t hit 10 yet).

On a final note, they finally added an enchantment graphic to Greater Savagery, which you can see on my sword in the picture. About time, Blizzard!



It’s my Charger! After some wild adventuring in Nagrand (which I’ll expound upon in a minute) and some selling of Thorium in stacks of 20 for 60+ gold, I managed to get the 500g I needed for the riding training and my mount. Yay!

Back to my adventures in Nagrand. When I first got to the zone, I got an invite from one Durable (a human warlock) to do The Ring of Blood: Blue Brothers. I ended up in a group with Durable, a draenai hunter named Applejacks a human priest (can’t remember her name atm) and a level 80 human paladin, specced holy. We killed Brokentoe, the Blue Brothers, Rokdar the Sundered Lord (no relation to Rok’tar that I could see), Skra’gath, the Warmaul Champion and Mogor about two to four times each, until we had all completed each quest. I died about five times – not terrible when you consider I was way under-level – but I nabbed 66+ gold from it, and we then went off and completed a series of other quests together, including Applejacks and I slaying the Master Planner for a quest she had. I didn’t ding, but we got allot accomplished and it helped me en route towards my charger. Applejacks was mount-less, but still was almost faster then me, my warhorse and my Crusader Aura. I was miffed, and it was the breaking point for my desire for my faster mount. Next stop, level 68 and Northrend!

BTW, Nagrand is a very pretty place.


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