Archive for 2012
Back at it Again
Would you believe it? I’m playing WoW again. Damned game. So, what am I up to?
For one thing, I’m toying with the Mists of Pandaria beta. Cool so far, but anything other then the new Pandaran areas crash on me.
I’m also playing allot of pvp. Recently I’ve had a good run, with (I believe) my first win in Arathi Basin – which I also happened to film, so I have record – and back-to-back wins in Tol Barad and Wintergrasp. The AB match was one of my best. I was lethal and only died once, and that was from falling off a ledge near the lumber mill to my doom.
I was in Tol Barad the other morning, and with us on defense is wasn’t all that hard. I died three times but we won handily. One of the group called for us all to rush to Wintergrasp, and who am I to say no to that? I love Wintergrasp.
We won that handily, too. There were only about five of us there total but the dumb group leader I was with insisted I had invite privileges (which I didn’t) so I couldn’t group with the rest of the bunch. I died once when I got ganged up on in the fort and another time to a tough Blood Elf pally, but I respawned quickly right nearby so I came back and killed her while she fought an ally.
So, I’m playing WoW now and again. You can also go to Chaos is Gaming and read an article on me introducing a friend of mine to the game. Later!