The Big, Big Whoa-My-God Big Post
I’ve been gone for a long time, so to make up for it here’s one of those “holy crap this is too way freaking long why don’t you have a life” posts. I’ve been leveling alts, obviously, and one is my level 16 feral-specced night elf druid Wrain (I’ll be referring to my alts by their current level, not necessarily the one shown in the included picture). He’s seen above in cat-form along Darkshore’s coastline, slaying water elementals.
Next we check in on Budman, my level 25 frost-specced human mage. Budman’s working his way through the Wetlands right now but it’s been slow going.
Here, his water elemental tries to engulf a raptor. Budman isn’t real tough, and his elemental is even softer so I have to be careful with these two.
Here we see my level 31 demonology-specced human warlock and his Fel Guard minion Okiash… Okinasa… Okisaki… Oki-SOMETHING. Whatever, I just call him Oki. Crane and Oki are lethal while running through the (admittedly lower-level ) Northern Stranglethorn. They got here at level 29 and are just cruising.
Hey, here’s a pic of Crane’s new buddy, a lashtail hatchling. This little guy followed me around as I killed Basilisks for him to feast upon. I was only too happy to kill critters for his consumption.
I eventually drug Buddy (I named the little red raptor Buddy) into a cave to kill… someone. Or four someones. In any event, everyone I saw died and I completed the quest. Yay!
What the HELL?! I was taking Lug, my level 33 beast mastery-specced Tauren hunter from Mulgore to Desolace and I came across a FRICKING RABBIT WITH A GOD DAMN AXE IN HIS EFFING MOUTH! I repeat, for emphasis: WHAT THE HELL?!
Once I dropped down into Desolace, I was smack-dab in the middle of Satyr Central. I had only one tip here (a quest I got from the Warlord’s Post or whatever that signboard in Thunder Bluff was called) so I just knew I had to keep walking and killing while following an arrow on my map. Yay for immersion!
I was eventually sent with Pig (yay for Pig!) to a huge fortress to kill baddies. We went in, killed left and right, and then pig had some kind of Fel fit.
Yeah, Pig! You go! You go with your… giant… black… two-legged… purple winged… self… OK, seriously –WTF?? Getting splattered enough times with these punks blood upon killing them turned both Pig and I into freakish demon-things. It didn’t seem to bother us, so we kept on killing.
That’s all for now. I’m doing my alt-leveling now because they’ll likely go on the back-burner again on Tuesday as Gav grinds to 85. We’ll see.