Gav’s latest: Viewing Onyxia’s Head and the Tauren Chieftains

onyxiahead It’s been awhile since I updated, so here’s what I’ve been up to. While in Stormwind the other day, there was a call that someone had slain Onyxia and brought her head back to town, and that they had strung it up from the ‘arches.’ Now, if you’ve ever been to Stormwind, you know that every entrance and door in town is pretty much an arch. I found it though, outside the gate, and it was quite a sight. What pride that person must feel, having a bloody, decapitated head they just drug back to town hung for all to see. The glory! Or maybe just gory.

More after the break.

gavandthebandGav was in Shattrath about five minutes before a performance by the Tauren Chieftains was to start, but I had to log out anyway. I was disappointed, but didn’t have allot of options. I logged back in this morning, and when I went to check my auction house mail at the World’s End Tavern and noticed the band performing. I stopped by and took it in, and I have to say that it was impressive. I prefer Perry Gatner’s standup routine, though, hokey as it is.

That’s about all Gav’s been up to, honestly. I’ve been trying to fund artisan riding an elite flying mount, but it’s not going well. Oh well, that’s what I said about my Charger and gryphon, too, I guess.

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