Catching up with Gavelier

I figured it was time to catch everyone up on my whereabouts in WoW, so here’s what’s going on.

I, as Gavelier, recently spent a long stretch of time in Kalimdor, using Gadgetzan and Darnassus as my bases of operation. I went to Felwood and Azshara for the first time while up north and did my first real foray into Un’Goro Crater. When I wasn’t visiting new zones, I was trying to level up and grind rep with Darnassus. I have a serious desire for a nightsaber mount, and I’m only 5600 reputation points away from getting one. Yeah, I’ve got my (nearly) free paladin warhorse, but I want something different, and I’d rather have a nightsaber to a ram or an elekk. If only I could ride mechanostriders!

On the subject of levelling up, I reached level 52 this morning. That means that since I started this blog on Oct. 4th, I’ve gained 4 levels. I may make it to lvl. 55 before Wrath of the Litch King yet! Anyway, I got my Crusader Strike for filling in my Retribution talents finally. It’s ok, but I’m not yet sold on it. It seems to miss more often then I’d like. I also upgraded my weapon from the Beheading Blade I mentioned before to a new Warmonger. Aside from a vicious look (see a pic HERE), the new blade’s to-hit buff comes in handy. As for the rest of my gear, I’m working on replacing Gav’s near-full suit of Overlords armor with Imperial Plate. So far I have the only parts available to my level – the belt, shoulders and bracers – giving me the bonus for having at least 2 parts of the set (+100 armor).

I’ve also reached Artisan level in engineering, allowing me to pick a disipline, Goblin or Gnome. I chose Gnome, because I don’t have allot of use for the guns and explosives of Goblin engineering. I passed my entrance test and got my membership card.

As for odds and ends, I completed the questline for Marin Noggenfogger, netting me the Noggenfogger Elixir. I’ve seen folks all over the place under it’s influence, and now I’ve got my own! I did drink all of mine, though, so I’ll have to get more. Also, during the recent Brewfest holiday, I earned enough Brewfest Tokens to join the Brew of the Month club. September’s Binary Brew was weird (it made you speak in Gnomish Binary), but October’s Autumnal Acorn Ale, which makes a small animal love your character, is just plain off. I’m interested in seeing what odd brew November nets me.

That’s all for now, everyone. I’ll check back in later!

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